October 20, 2011

The Purpose of a Pond Skimmer Filter

In its simplest terms a pond skimmer filter is a mechanical pond filtration system that removes leaves, grass cuttings and other vegetation that can be found, floating on the surface of your fish pond. They are particularly useful during autumn (fall) when trees start to shed their leaves; usually into your pond, unfortunately!
A pond surface skimmer doesn’t simply remove the pond surface debris so as to maintain the look and feel of your fish pond. By removing excess pond surface debris it also helps to ensure that the debris can’t fall to the pond floor and form sludge; thereby removing the opportunity for unwanted bacteria colonies to form. The build up of these heterotrophic bacteria encourages fish disease and the release of toxic gases, such as hydrogen sulphide.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/pondskimmersexplained.htm

Learn how to choose the right pond keeping equipment online, to save money, Guaranteed! Go to http://www.garden-pond-filters.com to learn everything you need to know NOW!

October 19, 2011

How To Choose A Solar Pond Pump For Your Pond

Traditionally, garden pond owners have always used mains powered electricity as the power source to power their garden pond equipment; whether that is a pond pump, pond filter, pond skimmer or pond UV sterilizer etc. In recent years however many manufacturers are producing water gardening equipment that utilizes the sun’s natural energy as a power source.
This is especially the case when it comes to choosing a garden pond pump. As energy prices rise and people are becoming more frugal with their hard earned money there has been a dramatic rise in the numbers of solar garden pond pumps on the market; especially in the UK, where I live.
Yes I know what you are thinking “surely the UK doesn’t get enough sunshine to make a solar pond pump a viable option – wrong!). Believe it or not many of the leading solar pond pumps available to the UK water gardening market function very well, given the UK’s climate.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/pondpumpsolarintro.htm

Learn how to choose the right pond keeping equipment online, to save money, Guaranteed! Go to http://www.garden-pond-filters.com to learn everything you need to know NOW!

Why Pond Vacs Are Essential For A Garden Pond

 Pond Vacuum Cleaners, more commonly known as Pond Vacs are a very practical and useful bit of pond keeping equipment. They are perfect for carrying out the mucky job of removing excess pond sludge caused by decaying fish food, rotting vegetation, dead string algae (hair algae). Unlike a domestic vacuum cleaner a pond vacuum cleaner has a more important function than simply tidying. The removal of slime (sludge) and other pond debris matter is essential to the well being of your pond environment so as to prevent the build up of excess ammonia, sulphur dioxide and a general increase in the build up of unwanted bacterial colonies.

By removing the unwanted sludge from the bottom of your fish pond you are helping to ensure that the delicate balance of your outdoor fish pond or indoor fish pool is maintained. Remember that it is seldom a possibility to completely empty the pond and relocate the inhabitants (fish, toads etc) simply because you want to carry out an extensive spring clean. It is far simpler and just as effective to use a pond vac cleaner to keep your fish pond a healthy, eco friendly home for its inhabitants.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/pondvacuumselection.htm

Learn how to choose the right pond keeping equipment online, to save money, Guaranteed! Go to http://www.garden-pond-filters.com to learn everything you need to know NOW!