Fall Fish Pond Care
As the pond water temperature reduces there is a reduction in your fishes metabolic rate. These once ravenous creatures are becoming less hungry and in order to keep the pond as free from fish waste as possible, due to increases in uneaten fish food, feed less and feed a colder water fish food.
Fall brings with it a common nuisance for the vast majority of pond owners, the fallen leaves that miraculously manage to find their way into your pond, if you haven't covered it with a pond net.
Winter Pond Preparation
The vast majority of pond inhabitants are fairly dormant during the winter months. It is very important however to ensure that the pond isn't allowed to freeze over. There has to be a way for carbon dioxide and toxic hydrogen sulphide to escape if you don't want fish fatalities. It is also important as oxygen will continue to be allowed to enter into the pond.
The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/Newsletters/seasonalpondcare.html ...
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