October 6, 2009

FAQ & Answers Part 6 - Fish Problems

Why Have My Fish Got White Spots On Their Body?

This is probably a fungal disease and immediate expert advice should be sought. Fungal infections are often spread amongst the fish population at a rapid rate.

In the early stages it is often possible to cure using topical remedies or anti biotic courses. The infected individual will usually need to be quarantined and treated in isolation.

My Fish are Gasping for Air at Pond Surface

This is particularly common in hot sunny weather when the water temperature is higher. Warm water is physically not able to hold as much oxygen as cold water.

It is also more difficult for atmospheric oxygen to dissolve into pond water in these conditions. When you see your fish gulping this is not a good sign and is a sure fire indicator that you need to introduce more oxygen into the pond.

The best way to do this is to add a pond air pump, fountain or waterfall to your existing set up.

I'm Sure I Had More Fish Yesterday Than Today!

Your pond has probably become a favorite haunt of a predator of some description, targeting an easy meal. Herons and other birds such as king fishers are the usual suspects but snakes and other animals have been known to take fish.

Watch early morning activity and late afternoon activity close to your pond. There are many predator scarers on the market, some better than and more effective than others.

Herons are a common pest and how to stop herons eating your fish? is a common question. The best solution is to use a fake heron, as heron's are territorial and will more than likely stay away from a competitors patch.

The full article can be read at ...
http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/Newsletters/PondkeepingFAQpart6.html ...

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