March 24, 2011

Koi Growth Explained

Koi Growth & Koi Size Depends On Several Factors

Given optimum conditions (quality diet, adequate space, healthy pond environment etc) Koi will grow rapidly like their plainer colored carp cousins. Koi are after all fancy colored carp.

Koi growth and Koi size is determined to a large extent by the size of the pond in which they live. A 1000 gallon pond, for example isn't going to produce substantially large Koi.

I'm sure you have seen pictures of really large Koi, which surprisingly don't look elegant and graceful, but more fat and disfigured.

These fish known as Jumbo Koi, in the Koi keeping world, have been substantially overfed and under exercised.

To achieve healthy Koi that reach their full growth potential, coloration and vibrancy, you will need a large pond, a feeding regime that incorporates the best Koi foods and excellent biological filtration.

Professional Koi keepers ensure that their Koi are in tip top condition by introducing a current into their ponds.

This current ensures that there is always resistance in the water. This is akin to us human's running uphill on a treadmill. Koi like humans need to exercise and watch their diet if they are to remain lean and fit.

What Encourages Maximum Koi Growth And Koi Size?

The maximum size of your Koi depends upon both genetic factors and the size of the pond, in which they live. The diet Koi's diet is also a major part in determining the mass of the individual Koi. These factors along with excellent biological filtration with result in excellent results in terms of the mass of the Koi.

The full article can be read at

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