Floating pond plants are an excellent way to mop up excess nutrients in the pond water. The plants absorb the nutrients directly from the pond water, helping to keep green pond algae and string algae, such as blanket weed away.
Floating fish pond plants provide a safe hiding place for fish from predatory birds as well as adding a splash of color to any water garden, on a long summers day.
Popular Summer Flowering Floating Aquatic Plants
- The floating moss (Azolla filiculoides) is an attractive plant that changes color midway through the growing season from pale green to red.
- The floating water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes'Major'), resembles the garden variety hyacinth and has pale blue flowers carried on spikes above the spongy, bright green leaf stalks that keep the plant afloat.
- The Frogbit (Hydrocharitaceae) is a small water plant with lily-like leaves about 15 mm across. It is attractive, with white petals.
- The Pistia stratiotes has rosettes of pale green velvety leaves and fine trailing roots. This floating plant is not winter hardy and needs to be over wintered in warmth.
- The Salvinia natans has velvet like leaves, measuring 12 cm long, covered with fine silky hairs.
Popular Winter And Spring Flowering Floating Pond Plants
- The Duck Weed (Lemna minor) has small ovate fronds, that are light green above and dark green beneath. One rootlet hangs down into the water from each frond.
- The Lemna gibba is a larger form of Lemna minor with reddish tinged leaves.
- The Ivy Tusked Duck Weed (Lemna trisulca) has light green transparent fronds that are oval in shape. The young fronds grow at right angles to the old ones.
- The Water Soldier (Stratiotes aloides) is an unusual plant that resembles the top of a pineapple as the long, narrow serrated leaves grow in rosettes
- The Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) has large rosettes of olive-green creeping foliage that have developed from a nut, formed from last season's flower.
- The Bladderwort (Utricularia vulgaris) is a submersed floating insectivorous plant that has yellow flowers showing above the water.
Go to http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-plant-floatingplants.html to learn everything you need to know NOW!
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