October 4, 2010

Best Way To Keep Algae At Bay

The sure fire way to achieve clean pond water that is crystal clear and free from suspended green algae and the best way to clean algae from a pond is to use a UV pond filter or either an ultraviolet clarifier or Ultraviolet sterilizer.

Although UV clarifiers, UV sterilizers and biological pond filters are available as separate units, it makes far more sense to combine the two pieces of pond keeping equipment into a single unit.

The combination of the two units will often save you money and because the units have been designed to work together you will no longer need to worry about incompatibility issues, guaranteed!

Difference Between A UV Sterilizer & UV Clarifier...

A UV sterilizer sanitizes the pond water, killing pathogens and other water borne bacteria as well as using UVC light to destroy green pond algae, whereas a UV clarifier does not sterilize the water but has been designed solely to kill green algae using UV light.

UV pond sterilizers are normally used in large Koi ponds and tend to be much more expensive.

Common Types of Pond Algae...

There are several algae types commonly found in fish ponds. Some are much more easily controlled than others, whilst others are actually beneficial to your Koi and goldfish ...

1) The Good Algae ... The good algae are the small algae that you commonly see attached to nearly every available surface in the fish pond, including pumps, piping and the pond side walls. This algae type is fairly small and grows to about half an inch long and acts as a tasty snack for pond fish.

2) The Bad Algae - The filamentous string algae varieties, such as blanket weed, which can grow rapidly and reach several feet in length.

3) The Ugly Algae - The planktonic algae or single celled algae only measures 4 microns in size but in vast numbers your pond water becomes cloudy and often becomes quite smelly.

Learn how to control the various algae types by reading the full article here ...


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