Goldfish and shubunkins are much hardier pond fish compared with Koi, which are a sensitive carp family member that is relatively susceptible to fish stress.
If your pond volume is anywhere up to 500 gallons then goldfish are far easier to care for and are much less hassle and stress.
Disadvantages of Koi Fish
- Unfortunately Koi grow quickly and consume large amounts of food, given the opportunity. This creates water quality problems, particularly with regard to ammonia build up and increased pond algae.
- Koi carp are also more expensive to buy and keep than the equivalent sized goldfish. A Koi can eat 3 times as much as the equivalent sized gold fish.
- If you have a backyard pond containing potted aquatic pond plants then you may also want to reconsider keeping Koi. These curious creatures like to dig at the soil and roots of these water plants. If you are not careful you could end up with floating plants everywhere.
- Koi are strong swimmers and will actively try to jump out of the pond.
- Shallow ponds also leave them, along with other pond fish susceptible to predators such as herons and raccoons. They literally have nowhere to escape to.
Goldfish on the other hand will not disturb your potted pond plants and find great comfort amongst Lilies, Lotus, Iris, and submerged annual varieties. They use the floating lily pads as a way of hiding from predators and the hot summer sun.
It is far better in my experience to plan ahead and ensure that the size of the pond you intend to build is capable of holding the species of pond fish you intend to keep. Koi need a pond that is at least 4 feet deep.The full article can be read at ...
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