Why Join A Koi club or Aquatics Society?
- A major advantage of belonging to a club or society is the pool of resources available to a member. You will be able to get relevant advice and help about almost anything related to your hobby. I guarantee that at some stage another member has had the same issue or problem as you.
- There is guaranteed to be a member who can get you better deals on products or has knowledge of the latest products available.
- Koi clubs and Fish keeping societies often invite guest speakers to talk about a particularly relevant topic or invite authors or famous faces in the hobby to offer guidance, advice and support.
- Well organized Koi clubs and fish keeping societies will often have a full itinerary for the forthcoming year, prepared well in advance.
- If you are into field trips or days out to visit other clubs or places of interest that relate to your hobby then joining a club or society also has a great social aspect to it. You never know you may meet a future partner or a life long buddy.
How do you I find or join a Fish keeping Club or Koi Club?
- In these modern times the easiest way to find out the nearest fish keeping society or Koi club in your area is to take a look on the internet.
- You could start by visiting your nearest aquarium retailer or koi dealer. They often have posters and fliers, advertising local club membership requests and activities.
- Local libraries and book stores will also often advertise membership requests from local aquatic societies and fish keeping clubs. These clubs are always thrilled to receive new members.
The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-fish-koifishclubsocieties.htm ...
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