August 19, 2010

Don't Let Predators Eat Your Pond Fish

How To Prevent Predators From Eating Your Pond Fish?

In the USA a major culprit is the Raccoon, a vivacious scavenger. Your typical Raccoon loves nothing better than to root around in garden ponds for a free morsel to eat. Poor Goldie the goldfish and his fellow pond members were on the menu.

Even ponds as deep as 2 feet are not always safe from these pesky critters.

Other common predators of backyard fish are members of the heron family and king fisher families. Domestic cats have also been known to kill and eat Koi and goldfish. Even certain species of diving waterfowl might find your pond fish to be an easy meal.

So How Do You Keep Your Pond Fish Safe From Predators?

In answer to "how to stop herons eating your fish" there are a myriad of products for sale aimed at protecting your pond fish from herons and other potential predators, including...

1) Pond netting ... a nets to stop herons eating fish is a great idea.
2) Electronic animal scarers including a blue heron repellent.
3) Animal scarers that spray the intruder with water ... a great way of protecting baby fish
4) Animal Decoys ... another way of protecting baby koi from predators.
5 Pond design - A good idea is to design the pond so as to allow the pond fish hiding places, both from larger fish and predators such as the Great Blue Heron.

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