September 4, 2010

Not All Goldfish Are Suitable For Ponds

Modern goldfish varieties come in a myriad of colours, sizes and appearance. Who would think that a Lionhead goldfish shares much of the same genetic make up as a Comet goldfish? At first glance you would certainly see no connection.

Goldfish breeders have succeeded in altering the physical appearance of goldfish.

Every possible change in appearance has been experimented with at some stage. Classic examples of the changes and mutations can be seen in the goldfishes eye shape, colour, body shape, tail length, number of tails, fin shape etc.

Which Gold Fish Types Can Live In A Garden Pond?
1)Common Goldfish - Typically a very evenly pigmented fish with short and sturdy fins and tail. Often available in a number of different colour variations where other colours such as white and black appear on top of the original golden colouration.

2)Comet Goldfish - They have been bred so that they have a really long tail fin. In large fish the tail may be half as long as the body. A uniform, singular colour is unusual in Comets. They regularly have red and white patterns that can be seen more easily from above.

3) Shubunkin - Rather than the typical gold colour associated with many goldfish varieties the Shubunkin is blue with a black and orange mottling set on top of this blue base.

Fancy gold fish that are not suitable For Fish ponds

1) Orandas - When viewed from above, their double-tail looks like a butterfly. They can adopt a variety of colours, including calico, which resembles a Shubunkin.

2)Blackmoor - Similar in shape to an Oranda, this black fish has bulbous eyes that project from the head. They are in fact my favourite goldfish variety, despite their quirky and somewhat ugly appearance.

3)Lionheads - These have a development on their head similar to the mane of a male lion. They too have a twin tail, but lack a dorsal fin.

4)Bubble Eyes, Pom-Poms and Celestials - These are all fancy goldfish in the extreme where breeders have selected for wild variations in head and eye developments.

The full article can be read at

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