It is important to understand that I don't just mean clean, crystal clear water. I actually mean a healthy, stable environment where the pond water chemistry is in equilibrium and the pond inhabitants are healthy, stress free and free from illness and disease.
What is the perfect environment for pond fish to live in?
To be honest I am not sure what the perfect environment is and I don't speak fish.
I can only assume that a perfect environment is one in which your Koi, goldfish and other pond fish varieties can grow, develop and live what appears to be a happy life! It is far easier to point out what will definitely make their life pretty miserable.
High ammonia levels in ponds combined with high nitrite levels and pathogenic bacteria will definitely make them want to relocate to somewhere else.
Unfortunately if this is the state of play within your pond then they will get their wish; unfortunately the place they will be relocating to is that great big fish pond in the sky, with halos and angels.
So how do you ensure that your fish live in a safe, clean, healthy pond?
The secret is to ensure that first and foremost the levels of ammonia and nitrite in your pond are kept under control. By reducing ammonia in ponds you are at least going to stop your pond inhabitants: Koi, goldfish, Rudd, frogs snails etc from falling victim to ammonia poisoning.
Controlling Ammonia In Fish Ponds...
Reducing ammonia in ponds is critically important. The secret to controlling ammonia in fish ponds is to use a biological pond filter, also known as a biofilter. A fish pond biofilter carries out the nitrogen cycle in your pond and removes these harmful chemicals by converting them into nitrate, which can be used by your aquatic plants as a food source.
It is important to regularly check your pond water using a pond test kit; check for ammonia, nitrite and pH at a minimum. The way a pond looks can be deceiving and does not necessarily mean that all is well below the surface.
Your pond may have crystal clear water and be free from algae blooms but that doesn't always mean it is a healthy environment for your fish to live in. On the other hand a fish pond with small algae blooms might look dirty but because ammonia and nitrite levels are under control, it is in fact as near to a perfect environment as possible.
How To Keep A Fish Pond Clean & Keep Pond Fish Healthy...
1) Use a correctly specified pond bio filter ... As stated above ensure that you use a garden pond filter that is suitable for the size of your pond.
2) Avoid Sand Filters ... When selecting the choice of pond filter make sure that you use a biological pond filter and not a mechanical sand filter, commonly used as a swimming pool filter.
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