Keeping koi pond water clear and healthy is far more difficult a task than is required to maintain a small garden fish pond.
There are also specialist feeding regimes that will need to be adhered to. Here is a list of the basics needed if you intend keeping koi in a pond...
- Correctly fitted bottom drains to remove debris from the pond floor.
- Correct shape pond in order to prevent dead spots.
- A Pond skimmer to remove organic matter such as leaves and other debris that falls into the pond.
- A pond that is at least 5ft deep. The deeper the pond the better the chances of the Koi surviving the ice cold winter weather.
- An external pond pump that is capable of producing high flow rates so that the rate at which water is pumped to the bead filter or vortex filter is high.
- A pond heater for maintaining an ambient temperature during the colder winter months.
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