October 4, 2010

The Importance of Pond Filter Media

A garden pond filter is only as good as the pond filter bio media used. Many models of biological pond filter can be significantly improved by using a pond bio filter media with a much higher Specific Surface Area (SSA).

Choosing the right pond filter media will not only save you lots of money but will improve your filter performance.

A biological pond filter is responsible for converting ammonia, found in garden ponds into much less toxic nitrates, in a series of chemical processes known as the nitrogen cycle or nitrification process.

The processes are carried out by Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter nitrifying bacteria that live on the pond filter media, housed in the pond filter unit. The higher the Specific Surface Area (SSA) of the filter media the larger the colony of beneficial nitrifying bacteria it can house. The larger the colony of bacteria to convert ammonia the better your pond water quality will be.

When choosing a garden pond filter look at the pond filter media included and choose a pond filter model with as high a SSA as possible.

A smaller filter model with a superior pond filter media will perform as well as a large filter model using an inferior pond filter bio media, such as thin plastic coils.

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