April 21, 2009

Control PH Swings To Maintain Healthy Pond Water

The subject of water chemistry and in particular pond water pH is extremely complex. A mathematics degree would certainly come in handy hear; unfortunately I do not have one but do know a bit about pond keeping and how you can prevent massive swings in pH levels.

Buffering, as the name implies does exactly what it says on the label; it buffers, insulates, minimizes, or protects against swings (massive changes) in pond pH. Pond water pH is affected directly by changes to the alkalinity or acidity of the water. Soft water, which is low in buffering capacity, will show large increases or decreases in pH when acid or alkali is added to the pond water or removed from it. In ponds containing soft water there will be significant pH swings between day and night, due to the behavior of aquatic plants and pond algae.

Pond fish, particularly Koi carp become stressed when there are changes to their usual habitat. You have heard the term “Stress is a killer”. This term is particularly pertinent when it comes to fish keeping. When Fish become stressed they become susceptible to the ever present bacteria, living in the pond water.

The addition of pond chemicals to your pond or drastic changes to a pond fish’s environment may cause stress to raise its ugly head.

It is always a good idea when introducing a new fish into your existing pond to allow the bag containing the new Koi or gold fish float on the surface of the pond for a while.

Water hardness is broken down into what is called temporary hardness and permanent hardness: Temporary hardness is the levels of calcium and magnesium hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates in the water. Permanent hardness is the level of sulphate and chlorides, for example in the pond water.

In the vast majority of garden ponds, hard water is better as it buffers the water. Buffered water (high in carbonates) prevents pH swings and helps to prevent impurities such as copper from becoming a significant problem for your Koi and gold fish. Hard pond water also helps your pond fish to regulate its own metabolic processes, thereby helping to reduce the susceptibility to stress.

Pond water that is too hard will often suffer from blanket weed and string algae problems. If you are having problems with blanketweed or string algae then try Viresco Koi or Viresco Aqua, a guaranteed way to eliminate this common pond problem. It is a UK product that can be shipped to any where in the world at a very low cost. It really is a miracle cure, no exaggeration!

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-chemicals-pHhardtocontrol.htm ...

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