April 22, 2009

How To Keep Your Koi & Golfish Fry Alive

It’s a cruel world out there and your garden pond is no different, particularly for the fry of goldfish and Koi. Birds and larger pond fish will readily eat them up.

Create a fine mesh bag that is about 2ft deep from shade netting. You do not have to use shade netting but this material is soft and smooth, without sharp, hard edges. The choice of material will need to allow water to pass through it.

Attach the mesh bag, containing the baby fish to a piece of wood, foam or polystyrene. The aim is to allow the net containing the fish to float around the pond. You will need to add a few stones or pebbles to the base of the bag.

The hardest part is to find the little swimmers in the first place and then to catch them. Many goldfish are black when they are born and only turn gold as they get older. For this reason they are often camouflaged by the depths of the pond and shadows.

Collect clumps of weed/aquatic plants on which fish have laid eggs or in which the very young fry might be hiding and just place this in the floating bag.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-fish-protectbabyfish.html ...

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