April 27, 2009

Spring Time Activity In Your Fish Pond

Spring is the time of year that toads migrate in startling numbers to the place they developed as tadpoles to miniature toads.

Females are always in short supply, so the adult males will attempt to mate with anything that moves including docile fish or another pair of mating toads.

Although the water in your fish pond has stayed pretty much below 10 Celsius you may be under the illusion that nothing is going on. In fact it has been warm enough for the blanket weed or Spirogyra to take advantage of the early increased sunlight and increased nutrients in the pond water.

The Marsh Marigold, Caltha palustris is resolutely pushing its way up. Whether it is a rock hard frozen bog area or sitting with its neck through an inch of ice in the margins, it is determined it going to get out and about before the rest of the mayhem starts in the water garden. In fact its new growth for the following season starts in October when everything else is dying down, and despite the trials of winter, its little fleshy stems still manage to produce a golden display right at the beginning of spring at the end of March.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-pond-springpetermay.html ...

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