- All garden ponds from small preformed patio ponds to large Koi ponds require a biological pond filter system in place with a suitable pond filter media, on which nitrifying bacteria can live.
- Sand filters are bad … When I hear about mechanical sand filters being used in fish ponds as a means of purifying the water I cringe. Please read this article to find out why YOU MUST NEVER USE A MECHANICAL SAND FILTER in a fish pond. They cause more harm than good and are actually very poor at purifying pond water
- Have you ever wondered why during the summer the color of your pond water starts to turn a green or murky brown color. The reason for this is due to microscopic algal cells, known as floating algae, planktonic algae or pea soup algae. The only really effective measure of controlling this is to install an ultraviolet sterilizer or ultraviolet clarifier.
- All backyard fish ponds need as much oxygen as you can supply them with. Atmospheric oxygen does not dissolve in still water very easily. It is the purpose of a pond pump to supply much needed oxygen into the pond system and to ensure that your pond filter beneficial bacteria are supplied with a constant supply of oxygen.
- In bygone days the choice of material for making a fish pond was concrete. Thankfully this is no longer the case and there are other alternatives, such as preformed fiberglass ponds and flexible liner ponds.
- The most commonly pond problem encountered by pond keepers is dirty pond water. Always use a well specified biological pond filter; trust me if you want to keep Koi and goldfish or any other pond fish for that matter then you will need one … No ifs … No buts. Select the right pond biofilter in the beginning so as to avoid hassles further down the line. Would you buy a new car without an engine?
- The second piece of pond keeping equipment that is a MUST HAVE is the pond pump. Depending upon the size of the pond you will either use a submersible pond pump or an external centrifugal pump. The latter is usually only needed in large Koi ponds, requiring large volumes of water to be pumped.
- If you want a fountain effect in your pond choose a pump that comes with a fountain attachment. Submersible fountain pumps are a popular pump variety and there are many to choose from. Make sure that the particular fountain pump model includes a strainer device. This prevents the fountain nozzle from becoming blocked by pond debris.
- If you do not need a fountain display in your pond then a filter pump is a better choice all around, as there is physically less that can go wrong. A filter pump is the preferred choice of submersible pump for use with modern pressurized pond filters, such as the OASE Filtoclear range or Fishmate Powerclenz models.
The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-pond-backtobasicspondkeeping.html ...