April 23, 2009

Gravel Is Bad For Garden Ponds

All garden ponds, no matter what size they are will contain microscopic bacteria and other pathogenic organisms. Many of these organisms feed on waste products, in order to survive. Some of these organisms, known as aerobic bacteria require oxygen to survive, whilst others known as anaerobic bacteria don’t. It is the anaerobic bacteria that tend to be a nuisance, causing bacterial infections and other fish disease problems.

It makes sense therefore to create a fish pond environment which potentially limits the possibility for stagnant areas to develop, as a result of anaerobic bacteria multiplying.

The major problem with using gravel for decoration and effect on your pond floor is that it creates stagnant areas that become a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria. Any uneaten fish food or fish waste that hasn’t been removed by a pond skimmer or pond filter will fall to the pond floor, lodging itself between the gravel. This waste accumulates, and in the absence of oxygen soon turns into a breeding place for the unwanted anaerobic bacteria.

Professional Koi keepers and Koi breeders go to great lengths to ensure that the bottom of their large ponds, are kept free from as much waste food, and fish waste as possible. The installation of bottom drains through which debris is purges is common place. All this is done to reduce the opportunity for anaerobic bacteria to develop. Koi are a species of carp that are not as hardy as other forms of carp or goldfish varieties and are susceptible to what is known as stress.

My advice to you would be to remove any gravel from the bottom of your fish pond or water garden immediately. Hopefully you will be in luck and it is fall or winter time. There is less activity taking place during these colder months, with cooler pond water temperatures.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-pond-gravelbad.html ...

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