April 22, 2009

Why Should I Test My Pond Water?

The vast majority of pond keeping and water gardening books advocate that you should test your pond water as soon as you suspect that there is a problem; erratic fish behaviour, dead fish, for example. The only problem here is that you have nothing to compare the results with. For this reason it is important to carry out regular pond water tests, using a suitable pond test kit.

The problem with acting on the results of one test alone is that your pond may be a perfectly safe, healthy environment, even though your pH readings, ammonia reading etc is slightly away from the perceived norm. If you do not have a history for comparison purposes then you may fix what isn’t broken!

Unless you are prepared to carry out frequent pond water testing then do not do it at all. You do not need to write a copy of war and peace, simply make a recording in a diary or if you want to be more technical in a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet is a good idea as it is easy to produce a chart. You will easily be able to see when there have been significant changes; time of year, time of day etc.

TIP! Always take your measurements at the same time of the day. This will help to avoid common daily fluctuations, such as pond Ph, ammonia and nitrites. Ammonia and nitrite levels will nearly always increase just after you have fed your Koi and other pond fish.

It is also a good idea to always use the same brand of pond water testing equipment. Always keep an eye on the use by date. If the product has expired then you may not be able to rely on the results given.

The best test kit by far is the behaviour of your fish.

When choosing a pond test kit always buy the best that you can afford. You nearly always get what you pay for, particularly with pond keeping equipments and pond testing products.

The full article can be read at http://www.garden-pond-filters.com/garden-chemicals-testpondregularly.html ...

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