The primary purpose is to supply oxygenated pond water to the Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria living on the pond filter media. These bacteria are responsible for breaking down toxic ammonia into nitrites and then into nitrates , in what is known as the Nitrogen Cycle.
- At the interface between water and atmospheric air, oxygen is absorbed into the water. The amount of oxygen absorbed believe it or not is affected by the temperature of the water; warmer water does not absorb oxygen as easily as cold water.
- Cold pond water can also hold more oxygen than warm water and when there is turbulence at the interface, oxygen is more readily absorbed; windy days for example make it easier for your pond to absorb oxygen from the atmosphere.
- At night there is less oxygen in the pond than there is during the day; this is to a large extent caused by the behavior of aquatic pond plants, which absorb carbon dioxide, to produce oxygen during the day. At night however the opposite is true and they use up oxygen and produce carbon dioxide.
- A waterfall and a fountain are extremely useful in a pond because they increase that interface between water and air (small droplets have large area) which allows for more air to be absorbed.
The vast majority of people realize that oxygen is needed by pond fish to breathe but what they do not realize is that it is critically important to the breakdown of ammonia by the nitrifying bacteria, living on the pond filter media.
The nitrifying bacteria in addition need a constant supply of oxygen. If they do not receive oxygen they will be totally wiped out after about 6 hours. For this reason it is essential that your pond water pump runs continuously 24/7 ...
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