April 13, 2009

Selecting the Plants For A Japanese Water Garden

Japanese gardens have tradition steeped in history, based on the Buddhist beliefs that a water garden represented paradise on earth. The Japanese water garden designers used a systematic, precise and methodical approach to designing aesthetically pleasing water and water feature combinations, unparalleled by any other society on earth.

The two major seasons, spring and fall are traditionally marked by the choice of plant used. Spring will typically see the use of cherries, azaleas, rhododendrons and camellias. For those gardeners with soil that has a high pH, pruned box and privet are good choices. The fall period is typically depicted by using species with bright colourful leaves such as Acers and Japanese maples.

Aquatic Plants For Japanese Water Garden Themes

The Norfolk reed (Phragmites australis) is one of the best as it readily mops up excess nutrients in the pond water as well as adding much needed oxygen to the water. This species of plant is classified as an oxygenator plant and has leaves that are submersed below water, ensuring that any oxygen produced by photosynthesis, is released into the pond water before escaping into the air.

Other popular aquatic plants that are classified as fast growing species include the Sweet Galingale (Cyperus longus), Soft Rush (Juncus effusus), True Bulrush (Scirpus lacustris), Flowering Rush (Butomus umbrellatus) and the Water cress.

Plants For Japanese Effects Around Ponds
  • Dwarf Azealas
  • Dwarf Rhododendrons
  • Small Camalias
  • Moss
Japanese Garden Pond Perimeter Perennials
  • Japanese Irises
  • Hostas, peonies
  • Hemerocallis
  • Polygonums
Japanese Garden Theme General Plants
  • Red Pine (Pinus densiflora
  • Black Pine (Pinus thunbergi)
  • Acer dissectum species
  • Cherry Blossom (Prunus x yeodensis)
  • Japanese Apricot (Prunus mume)
  • Maples
  • Bamboos
  • Japanese Crab Apple (Malus x zumi)
  • Wedding Cake Tree (Viburnum plicatum Maresii)
Information courtesy of Peter J May ...

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